Selasa, 08 November 2011

Palace of Flowers

Palace of Flowers
Long ago, there lived a cruel king and queen. Both pleasure-loving and oppress the poor. King and Queen has a son and daughter good-hearted. Their properties are very different from their parents. Prince and Princess Aji Lesmana Rauna always helping people in distress. Both like to help people who need help.
One day, Prince Aji Lesmana angry at her mother's father, "Dad and Mom evil. Why bother the poor?"King and Queen very angry at their son's words."Do not set the parent! Because you have done wrong, I will punish you. Get out of this palace!" expel the King.Prince Aji Lesmana not surprised. Precisely Princess Rauna a jolt, and then cry bundamya father pleaded, "Do not, expel Brother! If Big Brother had to go, I went away!"
King and Queen was furious. They let go follow her sister Princess Rauna. They wander. Disguised as ordinary people. Change the name to Kusmantoro and Kusmantari. They were looking to get a science teacher. They want to use that knowledge to disenchant their parents.
Both came to a hut. The house was inhabited by a grandfather who was very old. Grandfather magic that had once been their teacher grandfather. They tried to knock on the door."Come in, young man, 'said old grandfather who already know they are the grandchildren his former pupil. But the grandfather was deliberately pretended not to know. Kusmantoro expressed intention, "We, orphaned brothers. We want to sit under Panembahan."
Grandfather named Panembahan Manraba magic that lies Kusmantoro smiled. But because of its policies, Panembahan Manraba receive both became his disciple.Panembahan Manraba lower spiritual sciences and kanuragan on Kusmantoro and Kusmantari. Both were quite talented. They quickly mastered the sciences are taught. For months they trained teachers were wise and powerful.
One night Panembahan calling them both. "My son, Kusmantoro and Kusmantari. For a while is enough you sit here. Other sciences will give you after you implement one practice.""Practice what it is, Panembahan?" Kusmantari asked."Tomorrow morning, Pick two jasmine petals on the right side of this hut. Then went to the palace in the west of this village. Give two jasmine flowers to the Prince and Princess Rauna Aji Lesmana. They want to awaken the King and Queen, both of their parents. "
Kusmantoro and Kusmantari surprised. But their shock kept shut. They do not want to disguise them open."Two of jasmine petals were efficacious awaken the King and Queen of their bad deeds. But the condition, two jasmine petals is only efficacious if accompanied by heart honesty," Manraba Panembahan message.
When bedtime, Kusmantoro and Kusmantari restless. Both think Panembahan message. Do they have to come clean if they were Prince and Princess Aji Lesmana Rauna? If it does not come clean, it means they're lying, dishonest. Though jasmine petals efficacious only when accompanied by honesty.
Finally, early in the morning they went to Panembahan."We both apologize, Panembahan. We are guilty for not being honest with Panembahan all these years."I understand, My children. I already know you two are the Prince and Princess Rauna Lesmana Aji. Go home. Your mother's father waited at the palace. "
After the excuses and blessing, Prince and Princess Aji Lesmana Rauna headed for the palace. Arriving at the palace, it turns out their mother's father was ill. They immediately hugged both of their parents who lay weak.

Rauna princess jasmine petals and mix two of Panembahan. Then given to their mother's father. Miraculous! Instantly healed the King and Queen. Properties are changed. Prince and Princess Rauna very happy. They asked that magic seed in Panembahan jasmine. And planted in their garden. So that their palace known as the Palace of Flowers. The palace is filled with tenderness and happiness.

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