Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Ariel Si Little Mermaid

It is said that the mermaid named Ariel. He is the son of God of the Sea named Triton.
In contrast to the inhabitants of the palace under the sea. Ariel prefer playing above sea level or on the empty islands. While theunderwater palace dwellers prefer to live on the ocean floor.
Ariel is so often to the sea surface so that his father warned him the god of the sea.
"Ariel, you do not very often to the sea surface."
"Why dad?" Ariel asked.
"I wonder if you'll meet people ..." replied the god of the sea.
"Daddy, what is and what man is?"
"Aha, you're it ... you did not know," Guman god of the sea. "That on the sea, especially in the mainland are called human beings."
"What they like us, father?"
"Well, actually like us, or we are like them, just that most of them besifat only evil and selfish."
"Is there no good,"
"Hem, there's also ... but only a few people who are good."
"Well, I was curious and wanted to meet people."
"Huh? Do not Ariel!" Sea god wants her son was shocked.
"Why Daddy?"
"Do not you'll be able to hurt my son!" Sea Deaw said sincerely. "You'd better play under the sea alone."
"Ahhhhh ... father, who would dare mencelakakanku. I'm the daughter of a very powerful God of the Sea. He definitely will not stay silent if I dicelakakan man."
"Ah, you are Ariel ...!
That mermaid Ariel is the prettiest among so many mermaids. Ariel Age is also still very young, only seventeen years old. Like the flowers that are blooming.
One day Ariel came to the surface water. Accident not far from it there is a large ship. Above the deck of a ship that beautiful look that some people were playing music and dancing.
Suddenly a young man stared at the view of Ariel, who was sitting watching his friends who were dancing.
"Come on Erik Prince, come dance with us." invite someone who is dancing.
"Oh, that handsome young man called Erik," Ariel guman that they peep out from under the deck.
Suddenly a big storm came, accompanied by heavy rain and lightning darting and strong winds. Instantly a large ship was bobbing like a Kapa terobang paper only.
Erik Prince and his men tried to keep the ship itru not reversed. The storm is getting bigger and powerful craze. The ship began to roll. Suddenly lightning mast. "Kraaak ...!" and fault override mast powder keg.
There was a huge explosion. Erik Prince near the powder keg was thrown and the waves swept away the menggelagak.
"Prince ...!" Ariel cried the young man's attention earlier. Erik Prince dragged the water, if not quickly rescued surely he would have died to the seabed.
Ariel fast-acting, Erik Prince grabbed and pulled to the surface. While holding Erik Prince, the beautiful mermaid who swam to shore.
While still pinsan Erik Prince, Ariel tried to remove water from the bowels of the young man. Then he stroked the head of the prince Erik.
Ariel actually unwittingly attracted and fell in love with Prince Eric. He really wants to be with Prince Eric in the human world.
At that Erik Prince is almost unconscious. He has begun to open a pair of eyes and was surprised to see a pretty face and delicate hands to stroke his head. At the same time Ariel hear Erik Prince's men arrived.
"I must hurry away before known to them," Ariel said as she quickly plunged into the sea. Ariel back to the palace under the sea. He who had now turned into a quiet cheer. He often daydream.
A few days later her son walked in the Sea Gods'm daydreaming. "Nah, benar'kan ...!" his father's voice suddenly Ariel awaken from his reverie.
"Is what true, father?"
"You began to be affected by humans ... right?"
"Beb .. true father."
"Well ... well ... you must have been already exposed to the magic man."
"Magic ...? No dad, maybe ... maybe I'm in love. I always wanted to meet and close by his side ..."
That the God of the Sea will eventually understand its state of his son who was in love. But seeing her being half fish and half man he so pessimistic that his son would be able to live with Prince Eric.
"But my father had a Heritage Pearl god?" Ariel said later.
Pearls Dewa Dewa is the main legacy of the Sea. The numbers there are only three. Sea god gave two pieces to Ariel, the other to supply the palace under the sea. The first pearl if swallowed useful to transform the body into a human mermaid fully intact for two years. Pearls second to turn the dead of poisoning.
After the first Pearl Ariel swallowed and turned into a beautiful girl. God of the Sea and then took off to meet Prince Eric Ariel.
Ariel back to the island to help empty the prince Erik. At the same time Erik Prince was also in place.
"You ... you must be the girl who ever help me?"
"How did Prince know?" Ariel said.
"I could see your face before you go. After returning to the palace I can not sleep because of always thinking of you and wanted to meet you. Now that we met would you be my wife?"
"Oh, Lord ... I hany a girl alone. Both my parents were already in the ocean."
"You mean your parents are dead, never mind why not, come with me to the royal palace."
Thus, Ariel finally get married and live happily denagn prince Erik. But they were married only a year there was a princess who jealous of their happiness. Since the Tera-old daughter fell in love with Prince Eric. He was a real Prince Eric Ariel seized.
On a day Tera makanna put poison in Ariel, but makanna already given poison in food by Erik Prince. Then the prince who died young. The whole palace commotion. Ariel seabgai accused killer.
"Basic girl obscure its origins, how could you kill her own husband." Tera daughter attacked in front of the crowd.
Ariel is now remembered his father's advice that the human world is full of cruelty and slander. Actually he had long since learned that her daughter Tera wanted to seize him, but Prince Erik never listen.
Ariel firmly and loudly say, "I did not poison my husband. I know who did it. AKu will try to treat my husband, so she knew well who actually poisoned."
Princess Ariel Tera trembled to hear speech. Ariel does not matter, he included a second god Pearl. Then she kissed his face, having satisfied he said, "Farewell my husband, our world is different. I've always loved you."
Before Prince Eric Ariel aware already running toward the beach. It appeared in the God of the Sea where his father was waiting with the carriage. "Let my son, we return to our own world."
Once the water line of the body turns into mermaid Ariel.


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